Friday, March 9, 2012

FRIENDS - Blue & White Blazers

     I was home one afternoon this week and had the tv on my favorite show (FRIENDS). I was watching this episode where Joey and Ross were working together. On Joey's first day he wanted to sit with Ross at lunch. He quickly found out that the people at the museum segregated themselves during lunch based on their job title (the coats they wore). In an effort to fix this Ross decides the next day to pick his friend Joey over the silliness of where and who they sit with at lunch. Ross goes on to tell everyone that they all should shed their coats and get to know each other. The writers put a funny spin on it, but what if everyone we came in contact with knew our hearts (You know the REAL you.) as soon as they met us? What if we had to take off our coats and expose ourselves? What if people knew our sins, thoughts, and failures? Enjoy this clip and then you can continue reading.

We've all done it before...

    You've said that your friend looks pretty when you really think that dress is too short for church. But hey you were being nice so it's all good right? You act like you are happy for your sister who has lost 10 pounds when you're really jealous of her success. Your friend at work got that promotion. You pretend you're happy for him when you really are mad you didn't get it.  

     Good thing people can't see what's going on inside us. I don't know about you but it can be a mess inside me sometimes. God knows what we are like with our coats off. The concordance in my bible lists over 90 verses about the heart. Go knows that your heart is important. That's why He tells us to guard our heart's in Proverbs 4:23 because He knows that it is the wellspring of life. We should go before God and shed our coat of sin by confessing our sins to Him. We need to come before God with a truly repentant heart. David knew it in Psalm 26:2 when He told God to test him. He said, " Test me, oh Lord, try me and examine my heart." We need God to show us what to weed out of our hearts if we want them repaired.

In Andy Stanley's Enemies Of The Heart he says,

     "Eventually your heart -the real you- will outpace your attempts to monitor and modify everything you say and do."

Andy goes on to say,

     "We've all grown very adapt to covering for our hearts. But every once in a while our hearts go public. We swear we didn't mean it. But the truth is, we just didn't mean to SAY it."   

We might be able to hide what's going on in our hearts. We might be able to pretend to be something we aren't. When it's all said and done though God knows your heart and every weed in it. God tells us in 1 Chronicles 28:9 that He searches every heart and understands the motives. Just remember that people my not be able to see what's behind the coat but God can.