Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reacting Like A Christian

It's been so long since I've written something on here that I almost forgot my log in information...almost.

     Well Dave and I are doing well. God blessed me with a wonderful job. I was starting to wonder if God might have something else in store for me. His timing is perfect. I kind of wished I would have relaxed a little more instead of worrying about getting a job. I could have saved myself a lot of stress by just knowing that He will provide even if it's not the way I wanted.

    Anyways we are both doing great and enjoying life on the island. Things sure are slow in Hawaii. I had someone tell me that they once had their household goods scheduled to move and the people didn't show up because they said it was a good surfing day. Well that's how it is out here. It will drive you crazy before you get use to it.

     My dad is having issues with his blatter. There's a mass growing in there that won't let him go to the bathroom on his own. He has to have surgery Wednesday. Hopefully they can remove it and everything will be okay. My family is pretty positive about it. My dad is in his mid 70's so you tend to chalk it up to old age right? Still it's hard to think of my dad as old. Every time I think about him he's that dad I had when I was little. Parents aren't suppose to age right? We are trying to keep it positive and support him in anyway that we can. I'm so proud of my family. We have always been close. Still I believe this has brought us even closer (if that's possible). For example...my sisters and I have been sending texts to each other just to say I love you. Everyone is checking up on each other and working together to provide whatever the family needs. I think a crisis has a way of doing that...bringing people together. How can you look at a crisis as negative if it's so powerful to do that?

     I was on my way home from work today and I heard a man say this on the radio.

"Acting like a Christian is easy...it's reacting like one that shows maturity." Ding, ding, ding! A light went off. What a great saying. Thank you man on the radio. I needed that! I'm sure you all did too so I wanted to share.

     There's a lot of people here and only 3 major highways. They are the H1, H2, and H3. I have to take the H1 to work. This is the busiest highway on the island. Isn't God so good to teach me some patience everyday with my 45 minute drive to and from work? Before this would have driven me crazy. For those of you that don't know I am so impatient when it comes to driving. I tend to think I'm in a race and everyone should look out for me (not the other way around). God has used this to teach me some spiritual maturity. Now I use it as a time to talk with God and worship through good Christian music. It really does help me to be kind and let others in. It has helped make my 45 minute drive enjoyable everyday.  Now I'm not perfect. I still get a little anxious some times and want to run into the back of someone that cut me off...it's called a safe following distance...I'm not making room for you to come into my lane...I'm still a work in progress. I think that's how God wants it...us actively moving forward and growing.

 "Acting like a Christian is easy...it's reacting like one that shows maturity."