I wanted to share what Dave has been working on while in South Korea.
He recently took a kayaking trip down the Gyeongho River. Don't even ask me how to say that word. I have a Korean child in my 6th period Geometry class. I guess I could ask him how to pronounce Gyeongho. Oddly enough he is from Kunsan which is where Dave is stationed. He's promised to teach me some of the language. Anyways...I have suddenly become fascinated by the Korean culture. A large part of me wishes I could be there with Dave to experience Korea first hand. Dave's pictures from the Gyeongho River were beautiful.
Most of Korea looks as though it's been untouched. Nature is something I think we can take for granted in the United States.
Dave also got the opportunity to hike (well skillfully climb in flip flops none the less) Mount Naejang. The pictures are great, but I'm sure it doesn't do the landscape justice.
My favorite pictures are those of the buddhist temples in Kunsan. The architecture there is pretty impressive.
It appears to me that he's having a great time. For now I can only enjoy the pictures and appreciate the Korean culture through his photos.