Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Only Four Days

     I am married to the most amazing man. He is a JAG (Judge's Advocate General) and a Major in the United State's Air Force. We only dated seven weeks before we were married, but I knew from our first date that he would be my husband.

     He is currently stationed at Kunsan AFB in South Korea. We were married only four days before his departure. He will live there the next year and is scheduled for a return sometime next July. I am very proud of him and what he does. I am honored to stand beside such a strong man. I adore his love for his country. It makes it easy for me to support him when I see how much he loves his job.

     Only four days and I am living a life through skype, email, facebook, and phone calls. We joke to our friends that we knew the first year would be the hardest, so we decided to get through the first year by spending it on opposite ends of the Earth. The truth is I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. Military men have a certian way about them and I love working with mine. They all tend to share some of the same good qualities like strength, they are good organizers, quick thinking skills, and they seem to know how to handle anything you throw at them. It's true that they can be a little cocky sometimes but it's a good quality to have when you put your life on the line. They can dish out the jokes but the good thing is that they know how to take one too. If not, then they will learn really quick how to take a joke or two or three.

     Only four days and I'm in charge of mailing boxes, signing for things to be moved, and making sure everything is done on the end he had to leave so quickly. I suddenly realize that for the next 8 years (That's the number of years until he "CAN" retire.) this will be my life. I am amazed and excited about everything a military life will bring to my little world.

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing that y'all only dated 7 weeks before y'all got married. David and I started dating May 13th got engaged in June and was married at the end of July. Sometimes you just know.
